Monday 16 February 2015

The Inherent Love of Cartoons

So here's the thing about animation, whether we'd like to admit it or not or even be unaware of it altogether –we love it. I’ll tell you why. We've all grown up watching cartoons, haven’t we? From watching Cartoon Network to all the myriad cartoon channels that followed, every kid of the generation in question spent half their childhood glued to television sets. With the advent of television and its skyrocketing growth, gone were the days of children going out and about playing outdoors all day long! Generation X would understand what I’m talking about, while parents ceaselessly attempted to drag you away from the ‘idiot box’ whilst lecturing you about how back in the day, they were more active and curious about the outside world. Did your world revolve around the 47 inch, or what have you, television screen? Then riddle me this, what was it that you whiled away your childhood with? Easy breezy: cartoons. Ergo, case and point!

And thus grew our unknowing love for animation. Watching Tom ceaselessly attempt to chase and capture Jerry (knowing full well that it was never going to happen) is something I believe everyone cherishes as a fond memory of childhood. Or perhaps Mickey Mouse, who’s been around since times immemorial, so just about everyone has watched it, I’m sure. Say the evolution of Mickey Mouse over the years has inspired you and sparked an interest in animation and creating it; then there a number of excellent animation studios and Animation Institutes In Delhi that you can enroll yourself in and learn the intricate art of animation. With the knowledge and skills you pick up form an education from one of the various Animation Institutes In Delhi, perhaps one day you can hope to have your very own animation studios¸ and give back to the next generation, what you cherished about yours!

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