Thursday 2 April 2015

Japanese Anime –A Peephole To A World Beyond Imagination

In the Age of the Internet, we’ve all heard about the sheer popularity of Japanese anime. Perhaps you’re even a raging anime-junkie yourself? Even if you aren’t we’ve all got that one friend (or more, of course) who’s utterly crazy for it –they live and breathe anime. Maybe you even know people so moved by it that they’re attending Animation Institutes In Delhi in the hope of making an animation career for themselves.

So what’s this spell that Japanese anime seems to have over our lovesick (read: anime-sick) friends?

Well, simply put –it’s pure brilliance. Period.

Okay, maybe I should elaborate a bit further. From the 1990s, Japanese anime took the world by storm. My entire generation grew up watching Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z –archetypes of Japanese anime (and perhaps the inspiration for those now enrolled in one animation institute or the other). But that was then, Japanese anime has now come a long way. From ‘Gotta catch ‘em all’ Japanese anime seems to have pretty much caught everything they can.

The thing about this brand of anime that differentiates it from more Western concepts of animation is that the Japanese have somehow managed to think so far outside the box, that the box is a speck of dust on a horizon far, far away.

Japanese anime takes you to a world you couldn’t possibly imagine –beyond your wildest imaginations, that right there, is where Japanese anime thrives. While any animation institute will be able to teach you all the skills and techniques needed to create anime like the Japanese, they will never be able to teach you how to take your imagination to a whole other level –that’s entirely up to your creativity. 

With no inhibitions, Japanese anime toys with just about every theme under the sun. So of course, when Japanese anime offers you a peephole into a world beyond imagination, which sane person wouldn’t get addicted?

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